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Videos Berlin School music of Sequentia Legenda
E-Day 2024 Sequentia Legenda LIVE in Eindhoven
Extract from THE RETURN concert in Eindhoven on 20 April 2024 I had the great pleasure of performing in the Netherlands with drummer Tommy Betzler. I'd like to congratulate Ron Boots and his team, who have put a lot of energy into this edition of E-Day 2024 at CKE Eindhoven.
Shooting: Enrico Corsano
CELESTIAL Playlist Videos
I wish you a lot of enjoyment with CELESTIAL.
May your entrance into this new sound horizon be a source of freedom. May your journey through the three musical atmospheres bring you dreams, softness and serenity.
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BEYOND THE STARS Playlist Videos
How High? So high that i can touch the sky!
A little bit of dream, a musical escape, a sharing of emotions.
Three titles in the purest tradition of the Berlin school.
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FIVE Playlist Videos
"Intense and very good, Sequentia Legenda thwarts the previsions with an album that we awaited no more, as the musician seemed to enjoy himself in his comfort zone. And he had to get out form it if he wanted to make evolve his music. It's done and it lacks only the synth solos ... Laurent whispered to me that it is coming. In the meantime, this FIVE is a must that will require an adjustment from us."
Sylvain Lupari, March 2020 (synthsequences), the link to the original review here.
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Stage Performances Playlist Videos
"Sharing - yes, for me it is sharing of emotions, that means for me that in Berlin School it's really my heart that speaks, my soul that speaks. What I really want to transmit to the audience is: emotion, sensitivity. It's the Berlin School as such: pads, choirs, sequences." Sequentia Legenda June 2019
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OVER THERE Playlist Videos
"This is a stunning album forges with a splendid sequencing work from Sequentia Legenda"
Sylvain Lupari, April 2019 (synthsequences), the link to the original review here.
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RENAISSANCE Playlist Videos
"Der aus Frankreich stammende Elektronikmusiker Laurent Schieber veröffentlicht seit mehreren Jahren seine Musik unter dem Pseudonym Sequentia Legenda. Sein neuester Output, der im Sommer 2018 das Licht der Laser erblickt, trägt den Titel „Renaissance“. Als Untertitel ist auf dem Cover der CD noch „Three Sound Universes To Explore“ angegeben. So ist es nicht verwunderlich, das Laurent, der seine Musik im Umfeld von Klaus Schulzes Stil verortet hat, drei Longracks von mehr als 17, 22 und 25 Minuten Spielzeit auf den Silberling gepackt hat."
Stephan Schelle, August 2018 (MusikZirkus-Magasin), the link to the original review here.
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ETHEREAL Playlist Videos
"A true lover of Klaus Schulze music, Sequentia Legenda goes beyond in his quest to reproduce the essence of retro Berlin School with this exquisite Ethereal. A must!"
Sylvain Lupari (Synth&Sequences), the link to the original review here.
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EXTENDED Playlist Videos
"Most of the spacey music is made of three components : synth pads, sequencer loops and (sometimes annoying) solos. Sequentia Legenda is intelligent and sensitive enough to create his - strictly instrumental - music with the first two components only: the pads and the loops. In his spacey compositions, where light meets minimalism, and fitted to dream and meditation, there is no room for flashy solo, no room for protruding showing-off, instead the space is filled with highly sophisticated pads, perpetually changing and loops, themselves shaped in ever-changing patterns, sometimes highly complex, even if they often seem obvious."
Yves Blanc (La Planète Bleue)
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AMIRA Playlist Videos
"Um beim Album-Cover zu bleiben, klingt „Amira“ wie ein zartes Lüftchen, das über den Wüstensand weht und dabei ein paar Hügel errichtet. Elektronische Chöre, Streicherpassagen und Celli sorgen dabei für eine breitflächige, mitunter orchestrale Atmosphäre. So erinnert man sich nicht nur an die Schulze-, sondern nur zu gerne auch an die frühen TANGERINE DREAM-Alben „Zeit“ und „Atem“. Wem diese in unserer hektischen Zeit noch immer nicht zu langweilig geworden sind, dem sei „Amira“ von SEQUENTIA LEGENDA genauso glühend ans elektronische Musik liebende Herzchen gelegt wie die Sonne über der Wüste von „Amira“ glüht."
Thoralf Koß (musikreviews) Link to the review here
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BLUE DREAM Playlist Videos
"Three monuments of EM with variations on the same theme, “Blue Dream” is to the 2010's what Mirage was in the 80's. But beyond this similarity with the work of Klaus Schulze, Sequentia Legenda raises himself as in a very good architect of his structures by decorating them with thousand subtleties which invade ears with a merciless taste to start again after each listening. It's intrusive and subjugating. And, there is no harm done to indulge ourselves. So have fun, because this “Blue Dream” will obsess you relentlessly. This is more than good. And I'm pretty sure that it will be on the top of my list of the best albums of 2015."
Sylvain Lupari (Synth&Sequences), the link to the original review here.
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