This music is catapulting me mentally into an orbit around dream like feelings. This is one is again toping KS‘ „Silent Running“ in creating a thick rhythmic pattern over extrem longs and mellow chords. And after about 6 mins, we crescent downwards and get the weightless feel like one a rollercoaster rushing down the tracks. The rhythm is still present like a inverted shadow. Like the image you get after watching a bright picture and close your eyes. The choir is getting loader a short moment and fades away. I am back at start for the next experience of this track. ️
Till Kopper Januar 2024

video clip

Your music, your art just magnificient
got yourself a new sub here
hails from drauglur from germany
Drauglur Dark Ambient November 2022


Great connection with cosmic energy, with life vibrations, with immertion in infinity.
Spacers Festival January 2022

About the Synthfest Concert in Nantes

Amazing concert for the new reference of the Berlin School. Congrats Laurent !
Felix Perez May 2020


Chaque album de Sequentia Legenda est une vraie invitation aux voyages !!! Merci !! Favorite track: Solitudes Lunaires [Apollo 2019 version].
frb71 (Bandcamp follower)
December 2019

About the concert in Chexbres (Switzerland)

I immediately entered your musical universe and you both carried me away, on the one hand by the energy you share with great generosity and on the other hand, by the finesse of the sounds you produce. The concert was of a high quality, both human and musical, you both have something contemplative and very aesthetic. In short, when the concert is over, we only want one thing: to keep it going for many hours. THANK YOU!
Sandrine Crot December 2019


I can't stop listening to this album. It takes me to another dimension.
Favorite track:
Kwazniak (Bandcamp follower) December 2023

About [Chill Space Mix Series 101] Sequentia Legenda

The influence of godfather Klaus Schulze is pretty obvious - however, if you allow yourself to be carried away by these endless hypnotizing arpeggios you may experience the same bitter-sweet cosmic trance as you would then in the 80s
Michael Krähmer April 2023


Listen this Inspiring Music, Open your Mind and go Beyond, Explore Universe using power of your Imagination.
Dariusz Strzelczyk January 2022

About my music

Tu es l'un des meilleurs compositeurs de musiques "planantes" de ces dernières années! Bravo pour cette continuité artistique sans failles. Joyeuses fêtes à toi et tes proches.


Just put Renaissance album in my Bandcamp collection, amazing and elegant work,everything beautiful, subtle, rich and elegant.have loved EM music for decades !!! Each of 3 soundscapes very unique,multiple and varied sequences,pads and ambiences paint warm and inviting pictures, so very enjoyed,thank you for your gifts to us all,blessings...;-) Another music god to savor!
Gayle Jensen January 2020

About my music

I was immediately captivated, and also charmed by the contribution of the drummer on stage too. Time has passed so quickly! A beautiful show.
Bruno Weihs December 2019


Hard to believe it’s been less than a year since Schieber’s last full-length release, but now we have this worthy successor to 2019’s “Five,” continuing to realize some of the best, soothing and provocative Berlin School music being made today. The third track here, “Beyond From the Beyond” (a reworking of an extended single released earlier this year as “Circumnavigation)” is one of the most beautiful pieces of electronic music I’ve heard in years. Favorite track: BEYOND FROM THE BEYOND.
Paul Asbury Seaman May 2022


Hello Laurent ! Belle réussite que ce "résonance" ! Très très inspiré de ton album préféré de KLAUS SCHULZE "Mirage" en ce qui concerne la première pièce !!! J'aime beaucoup les deux morceaux suivant également !!! Franchement bravo Sequentia Legenda !!! Du pur bonheur !! Merci !!!! Je le commande !
Serge Aubert May 2022


Schieber Laurent, This is freaking AWESOME! I love it! You my friend are a musical genius!
John A Brown April 2021

About my music

I have been a fan of the likes of Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze for the best part of 40 years and I am always on the lookout for other artists in that genre. I found out about Sequentia Legenda because one of his pieces was played in Brainvoyager’s weekly radio show – a show which is dedicated to Berlin School music. And I was impressed or maybe enchanted is a better word or maybe I just love the spacious quality of the sound. I have since acquired all of Laurent’s works. When I listen to them – and I do so often – I like to listen to them in sequence because you can hear very well how Laurent’s music has developed since he made Blue Dream. I can’t wait to hear more new music from Sequentia Legenda.
Thomas Koetzsch April 2020


Another fantastic album by Laurent. Three strong and long - but not a second to long - tracks of his special atmosphere. Not a cover, nor a clone of a well known Berlin School master. Unique tracks in this hypnotic style of mantra like sequences and patterns. With new fresh sounds and warm covering analog like sequences. You are the best active Berlin School musician I can think of!
Till Kopper March 2019

About my music

Bin ein großer Liebhaber der elektronischen Musik und die von Laurent Schieber alias Sequentia Legenda schätze ich sehr. Traumhafte Analoge Sphärenklänge wie "Klaus Schulze" in den 70er bzw. Anfang der 80er Jahre.
Uwe Bieszcad April 2018

About my music

Cosa posso dire di più se non fare i complimenti? Vibrazioni musicali che mi liberano la mente e danno spazio nello stesso momento ai colori delle mie emozioni. Chiudo gli occhi ed ogni volta è un nuovo viaggio. La musica di Berlino cresce con il suo linguaggio emozionale senza fine. Sequentia Legenda è stata una rivelazione, un fulmine a cielo sereno e dalla quale non voglio allontanarmi. Il suo ascolto è divenuto quasi una necessità. Complimenti quindi a Laurent ed alla sua sensibilità di artista. Ascoltare Sequentia Legenda è come un profondo respiro, ogni brano è un grande, lungo respiro dell'anima e spero di continuare a respirare. Un abbraccio
Alessandro Zeggiotti March 2018

About the Ici et Maintenant video clip

Just listened to it. Sounds like you are going deeper and deeper into your own style of Berlin school, leaving the path which is close to KS. As much as I like KS style and your last albums I think thats a good developement.
Matthias Stock March 2018

About the Valentin's Traum video clip

A l’image de Valentin, très profond, l’émotion sort de l’intérieur et, est au rendez-vous, comme d’habitude.
Pascal Redreggo January 2018


The school of Berlin is still present more strongly than ever in the great group Sequentia Legenda, those hypnotic sequences and those atmospheres that since the time of Klaus Schulze did not listen, transport me to the beyond. It is a whole set of sensations that transmits me this great album, indispensable.
Rafa Saez January 2018


70 minutes long "Ethereal" is another highly accomplished album by Sequentia Legenda and especially its third chapter showcases the more distinguishing approach in carving profoundly enigmatic, yet insistently sequencer-driven vintage-futuristic electronica. A very good move indeed!!! The mastery and potential were already abundantly exhibited on each release, so why not to go even further and reaching the iconic position of nowadays milestones in sequencer-based resurgences.
Richard Gürtler December 2017


Ach ja, warum nur kommt einem immer wieder dieser KLAUS SCHULZE in den Sinn, wenn man SEQUENTIA LEGENDA hört? Die Antwort ist ganz einfach: Weil Laurent Schieber sich nicht nur Schulzes frühe Musik verinnerlicht hat, sondern auch dazu in der Lage ist, sie auf gänzlich gleichem Niveau und mit einem ähnlichen Instrumentarium, wie es auch Schulze verwendete, wiederzugeben. Das Schieber-Schulze-Gen funktioniert bestens. „Ethereal“ = Elektronische Musik für Berliner-Schule-Nostalgiker.
Thoralf Koß October 2017


A une heure où [...] la Berlin School semble à bout de souffle , Sequentia Legenda la rescussite et la fait revivre.... Qui plus est avec force , émotion , puissance et profondeur ! Ethereal est un excellent album qui contient tous les ingrédients pour vous transporter et vous emmener très loin. Un coup de chapeau également aux percussions qui animent avec sobriété et efficacité ces trois morceaux. Excellent en tous points !
Michel RebelRaiser July 2017


Quelques notes de "Around the Second Moon" et la magie opère. L'ajout de mélodies, le voyage toujours plus lointain dans des espaces sonores emprunts de classicisme et de modernité, l'affirmation d'un style.
Tout est là pour faire de ce nouvel album le meilleur de Sequentia Legenda. Tu traces ta route avec talent, bravo Laurent.
Nani Sound April 2017

About my music

Dear Laurent,
First of all I’d sincerely like to thank You to allow me to post a testimonial onto Your blog. This is not usual for me as I’ve been listening, learning and growing uninterruptedly since I was 7 years old with the Works from Jean-Michel Jarre, Tangerine Dream, Edgar Froese, Klaus Schulze, Neuronium and other Legendary Artists from the Field in this Industry and I’ve become convinced throughout the years that the Masters would not be equaled or superseded. I am delighted to write here I was Wrong! At Last another True Master in the Field, an inspiration for many generations to come purportedly demonstrating that Hope remains for the Electronic Music to build on nowadays as good as in the Past, maybe even Better.... All the Very Best to You to carry on the Journey owing to such favorable TimeWinds... Kindest Regards, Nicolas aka 33VRIEM33
Nicolas Picciotto January 2019

About my music

I ' ve loved each album by Laurent (Sequentia Legenda ) , from "Blue Dream " to the recent one : "Renaissance" Sequentia Legenda is on the great inheritance of Berlin School Music , faithfull to her Masters , though bringing his own "touch" with emotional , ad also meditative long tracks ... Thanks, Laurent Schieber !
Michel Culot May 2018

About my music

Lean BerlinSchool experince. 10/10 is my score...Best for meditation and best for discovering new inner worlds.
I recommend it.
MahaVoice SkyTravers March 2018

About the Ici et Maintenant video clip

Votre plage "Ici et Maintenant" aux influences de la Berlin School est admirable... On sent la plénitude avec la venue d'une séquence feutrée et bien programmée... Toute cette sensibilité à fleur de peau est bien présente et témoigne votre partage avec les auditeurs qu'ils l'écoutent !... En tout cas bravo pour votre travail.
Michel Boegler March 2018

About the Valentin's Traum video clip

This excerpt is again (!!!) Berlin School music at its best.
The mood of this track is so near to the very special Klaus Schulze album "X" from 1978. Without actual copying it, it got the right overall sound. The very open mix, although the sounds are layered. There is no beat or sequence in the first 4:30 min running. But the music is always slightly changing. A kind of regular breath makes this track very organic and by no means static. Then a sequence is faded in.
There is a cut (this is not the full track we are hearing here) and we are a bit later in the track. We hear the drums of Tommy Bezler and the now multilayered sequences. But all still relaxed and calm. But with a steady rhythm like a heart beat.
The sequences get faded out. The drum rhythm dies out. And we are falling slowly back into the dream like ambient background we heard in the beginning.
Although we are just at week #2 of 2018, I believe this will be one, if not THE best Berlin School music release for 2018! I can't imagine a music more matching to my personal music preferences.
Thanks for sharing this excerpt of the upcoming RENAISSANCE album. I am looking very much forward to listen to it in its full length and glory.
Till Kopper January 2018


Fly over me is deeper [...] beautifuller and totaly a mysterious track . Its another universe far from Earth . You are hypnotised by this music completely. A 33 minutes voyage into deepspace. I just love it. Trance from down to the top. A masterpiece. All youre music is full masterpieces!
Robert Bertaux January 2018

About my music

Quickly out of my comfort zone, I was immersed in a style that was not highly energetic, wrapped me in a dreamlike cocoon of the most subtle, dispensing me from trying to escape. For me who am usually above 110 BPM, it was a hell of a ride! I was here and now, the past and the future had lost their importance, I enjoyed the present moment. I liked the purity of tone, but above all its complexity. In a concert, you are amazed, dizzy and transported. I can easily imagine that if you listen to these songs several times, the journey must be different each time as their music distils a vast expanse of unknown lands. I liked Tommy Betzler's rhythm; it seems essential to me, a little like the stones thrown into the forest to mark his trail. He plays the role of guide, so as not to lose his way and thus better mark the gap between the dream and reality. The last song played "AU REVOIR", touched me. The emotion was sincere, and an authentic Link was definitely woven with the audience. I liked the intimate atmosphere that reigned in the Caveau au Cœur d'Or, which I was also discovering for the first time; if you are looking for an authentic place where the Client and the Artist are at the heart of the staff's concerns, you have found it.
Olivier Borgeaud December 2019

About my music

Dans un courant moribond et abâtardi, la « musique répétitive », où le second terme a trop souvent pris le dessus sur le premier et où le travail de la matière sonore se résumait de plus ou plus à emballer la résonance d'une boîte vide, l'évolution ne pouvait se faire que par un retour aux sources des années 70-80, non pas par la simple copie de ce qui se faisait alors de mieux mais par l’intériorisation de ce corpus musical en le débarrassant de tout son clinquant superflu, de ses maladresses et aveuglements technologiques béats aussi creux qu’inutiles et aujourd’hui parfois bien désuets. Bref, il fallait gratter le vernis craquelé de ces vieux tableaux pour mieux en comprendre le coup de pinceau, non pas l’analyser mais le comprendre, nuance, afin de ne pas faire du « à la manière de » mais d’ajouter sa propre pierre à l’édifice.
Dans cet esprit, la musique de Sequentia legenda s’inscrit totalement dans la Berliner Schule, mais une Berliner Schule dépoussiérée, débarrassée des oripeaux accumulés avec le temps pour masquer son vide croissant. Ce n’est pas une musique vulgairement accrocheuse mais une musique dont la complexité sous-jacente n’est qu’un moyen de tendre vers la simplicité et l’unité, tel un grand parfum dont il serait vain de vouloir reconnaître les multiples composants et le travail d’assemblage. Composants et assemblage n’ont de sens que s’ils s’effacent et se fondent dans la fragrance finale, c’est ça la Berliner Schule !
À noter que « Sequentia legenda » est une expression ambiguë en latin puisqu’au sens littéral, on peut aussi bien la comprendre comme « les choses qui sont à relire » ou « les choses qui sont à choisir de nouveau ». J’ignore quel sens Laurent Schieber donne à cette expression mais il me plait de la comprendre comme « Réappropriation » et tout est dit !
Crystal Biniou December 2018


Heute erhalten, reingehört und wieder vollkommen gefangen in Laurents Musikwelt. Absolute Spitzenklasse, eigentlich wie immer. Danke Laurent, für Deine faszinierenden Klänge, die immer wieder zum Träumen einladen. Danke sehr
Jan Kästner June 2018

About my music

A Music beyond the everyday contrasts, daily agitation... a Music that evokes a special universe. With connections between Eletronic Music (of the 1970 - 1980) with Technical, Atmospheric Elements. ALL - refined ! which remind of Old Electronic Berlin School, but in a new vision of the artist. If you are passionate about: Science, Knowledge, Cosmos, listen to this special artist. This Music artist, you urges us to his Reverie, to the Cosmos, to Infinity... I recommend :)
Florin Diaconu March 2018

About my music

Fan absolu de Tangerine Dream et Klaus Schulze depuis plus de 40 ans (Depuis Rubicon & Timewind), je pense que rare sont les artistes qui ont pu succéder à ces génies sans les copier (au mieux) ou présenter des morceaux interminables sans aucune imagination (au ire). Certains, comme ARC ou REDSHIFT ont pu renouveler le genre en y apportant leur touche personnelle, SEQUENTIA LEGENDA fait partie de cette catégorie de musiciens qui ont non seulement apporter un plus, mais également su insuffler leur sensibilité (quelquefois à fleur de peau) et leur capacité à écrire des mélodies (Bref à composer réellement). Une expérience musicale hors du temps !!!
Michel NewsoulJazz March, 2018

About THE RETURN (Experimental version)

Although rather minimalistic track without bells and whistles (literally). But with a wonderful quite certain ambient mood mixed with Berlin School sequencing. AIt is not a remake or some cover of some well known artist, this is a unique Sequentia Legenda track. Laurent Schieber once again proves his great skills of doing new tracks in the Berlin School style without repeating music recorded 45-35 years ago. And without using the vintage techniques. This way the sound scapes are clear and well defined. But not sounding like cold digital at all. Rather organic and analog (without covering exact typical analog sounds). Well done! Very recommended for all listeners of Klaus Schulze and other more calm Berlin School music.
Till Kopper December 2017


©2017-Paul Rijkens, Dutch progressive rockmagazine iO Pages
The French electronic musician Laurent Schieber is somebody who manages to re-create the typical atmosphere of the Berlin School and especially that of his great source of inspiration Klaus Schulze. He does that by releasing cd’s (cdr’s) under the artist name Sequentia Legenda.
This name plus his motto “Sequentia Legenda-a vision of sequencing” are excellent chosen because that what it is about on Laurent’s albums. On Ethereal he even goes a step further than earlier albums because now the sequences are more prominent present than before. Schieber builds his music from a base melody, after which sequences and slowly incorporated drums by Tommy Betzler (known from Klaus Schulze and the progband P’Cock) fall in. The drums are an essential part of Sequentia Legenda’s music. You don’t hear much soloing.
Stratums Of Seraphic Voices begins with soft choirs and a repeating stringpart where Klaus Schulze is always so good in. The sequencing is done with the aid of Arturia’s emulation of the Moog modular synthesizer. Betzler’s drums sound both loose and thrusting. Sometimes we hear a small change in the chord schedules. Talking about sequencing: the part in Around The Second Moon is absolutely brilliant. Later, a second part is cumulated. The percussion sounds are like those that Michael Schrieve managed to add to Klaus Schulze’s music in the early eighties.
The third and last piece Elevation opens experimental and again moves into a very lively whole. The sequence here is less on the foreground but is still a part of the complete picture that Laurent paints. This music is done very well. We really have to cherish the vision and the music of Sequentia Legenda.
Paul Rijkens September 2017


Nach Klaus Schulze kommt......Sequentia Legenda
Ricky Kusenberg April 2017

About my music

Pour moi, cette musique
« sculpte l’espace ». Il y a aussi une sculpture du temps, sa matérialisation par les presque-répétitions, des évolutions, des rappels. Beau et méditatif à la fois. Vibrations is putting me into an altered state of consciousness. It’s about "spacialization" of the music: I have a real 3D feeling - almost touching - of the music.
Thierry Dagaeff January 2018


Laurent has spent many years mastering the tools that Klaus Schulze and others of the "Berlin School of Electronic Music" had pioneered back in the 1960s and 70s. With "Ethereal" he has mastered his craft. The track "Around the Second Moon" may be the best Berlin School song I've ever heard! Favorite track: Around the Second Moon.
WAndrew Fisher December 2017

About THE RETURN (Experimental version)

I like it! Sustained epic and serious spirit, with lively, almost playful higher voice dancing in the stereo field. Entrancing tones and ambience. Nice!
Kevin Shrieve December 2017
(Michael Shrieve with Kevin Shrieve and
Klaus Schulze - Transfer Station Blue 1986)


TOP.......ELEKTRONIK MUSIK.....DIE NEUE GENERATION VON Sequentia Legenda im Syle of Klaus Schulze.......EINE NEUE LEGENDE IST GEBOREN......und mit dabei .......Tommy Betzler....Klasse Schlagzeuger.....VIELEN DANK FÜR TOP MUSIK!!!!!!!!!
Frank Heller July 2017


Somptuous music from my friend Laurent Schieber. Fans of retro and floating EM a la Schulze, you have to get this album from Sequentia Legenda.
Somptueuse musique de mon ami Laurent. Amateurs de MÉ flottante et vintage à la Schulze, Ethereal est un incontournable.
Sylvain Lupari April 2017


This album [...] Ethereal makes me Zen and gives me chickenskin toghetter. The Berlinschool was alway's my thing. I can only give for this album a 10/10 . Thank you Sequentia Legenda i salute you ,you are a master.
This album is already in my collection between Jean Michel Jarre and Klaus Schulze. Your music gives me satisfaction[...]!
Robert Bertaux July 2017