Special versions of Sequentia Legenda
Departure for a Celestial Voyage
Dear listeners,
💫Departure for a Celestial Voyage💫 is a tribute to my Mother, Who passed away on the 4th of November 2022 for a Universe of Light and Peace. I've felt Her ever since She left.
8 days before this commemorative date, I perceived the following Request from Her Spirit: "Don't you want to compose a song for me?"
Spontaneously, I came up with the idea of doing an extraction from the finale of "CRYSTAL OF LIGHT", i.e. the second track from my next album.
As I was working on the final part of this composition, a rather astonishing technical and musical glitch occurred that I quickly associated with a new piece of Guidance.
Some elements of the latter will be manifested within the version retained for the "GALACTIC CRYSTALS" album due in 2024 as well as others which have been reworked or added especially for this version.
Subjectively, the most important value within my music is not what you may hear when you listen to it, but what you perceive manifesting within your heart. Moreover, if one listens attentively, one can discern in the second half of this composition a subtle sound akin to the heart beating.
Departure for a Celestial Voyage: this is a direct link to a World imbued with Spirituality, a gateway to a Celestial World.
I wish you All the most pleasant Voyage 🙏
Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
ANNO 1880 - Variations on the finale of ELEVATION
I had the idea to work on the finale of ELEVATION. In the meantime, my Mum has just recently left us in Peace for a heavenly world. I owe a lot to my Mum, especially my passion for music. And then on November 27, I had my birthday and I wanted, despite the pain and sorrow, to offer and share these variations. Finally, these variations are dedicated to you🎁, dear listeners, and to my Mum. I wish you all a gentle spiritual and musical upliftment so that you can ascend to luminous and peaceful universes.
1 Track album
ANNO 1880 - Variations on the finale of ELEVATION by Sequentia Legenda
ANNO 1880 - Variation 1: 9:33
ANNO 1880 - Variation 2: 9:33
ANNO 1880 - Variation 3: 8:08
ANNO 1880 - Bonus: 9:33
Total time: 36:42
Keyboards: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
Available on my Bandcamp Page
ELEVATION [Portal Version 2022]
The composition has been reworked especially for this year 2022, for the energy portals, thanks in particular to the use of the frequency of 432 Hz – the frequency of the heart, of nature. This musical universe has for desire among others to accompany you in serenity in your immersive journeys, with frequencies, vibrations, which is in harmony, in agreement with nature and the cosmos.
1 Track album
ELEVATION [Portal Version 2022] by Sequentia Legenda
Total Time: 22:00 released April 2, 2022
Keyboards: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
Available on my Bandcamp Page
LUMINOSA VERITAS [Xmas 2021 Version]
It is my sharing, my support, my sign of Hope, of Love dedicated to the beings of light
and lightworkers, my way of working for the Light.
1 Track album
LUMINOSA VERITAS (Xmas 2021 Version) by Sequentia Legenda
Total Time: 16:08 released December 24, 2021
Keyboards: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
Available on my Bandcamp Page
HEAVENLY RESONANCE (Happy Birthday Version)
On the occasion of my 56th birthday, I have the pleasure to offer you the introduction of the third track of my next album RESONANCES planned for 2022. Please consider this excerpt as a gift, a novelty, a sharing. It is a work in progress.
HEAVENLY RESONANCE will accompany two other compositions: ENTER IN RESONANCE and INFINITE RESONANCE.
I hope you will enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed making it.
1 Track album long version
HEAVENLY RESONANCE (Happy Birthday Version) by Sequentia Legenda
Total Time: 5:34 released November 27, 2021
Keyboards: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
Available on my Bandcamp Page
THE RETURN (Long Version)
This version differs from the original not only by its length, but also by many subtle changes in the reorchestration. Some sequences have been reworked, especially the filters. A new instrument, and not the least important one, has been used for this version, since it is the emblematic Korg modular: the PS-3300 in its emulated version.
A melodic line has been inserted supported by a long reverb and a subtle stereophonic echo. The role of the ARP Odyssey has been revised. For this occasion, a new sequence appearing at minute 18:35 has been specially created with the Minimoog, as well as a second, deeper loop that joins and reinforces the first. The rhythmic part has been totally revisited. The track has also been remastered.
THE RETURN takes on a whole new dimension, it's the longest track in my entire discography.
This composition is dedicated to Till Kopper.
1 Track album long version
THE RETURN (Long Version) by Sequentia Legenda
Total Time: 47:59 released July 1, 2021
Keyboards: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
Available on my Bandcamp Page
Five Minutes Around the Second Moon
This sound universe is a compendium of Berlin School, an immersive and emotional experience.
It is a tribute to the Modular Moog. The title in its long version appears on my album ETHEREAL.
1 Track album
Five Minutes Around the Second Moon by Sequentia Legenda
Total Time: 5:00 released January 17, 2021
Keyboards: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
Available on my Bandcamp Page
Deep Sequences [Grenzwellen Version]
It was a pleasure to take part in the Grenzwellen 8 compilation. I can invite you to go to the page: grenzwellen.bandcamp.com/album/grenzwellen-acht to see all the musicians who took part in this beautiful
project of Ecki Stieg.
The composition was reworked with a slightly longer duration than the original. Note the integration of an additional sequence and also effects of the mythical EMS Synthi A. The intro and finale have been reworked. The mix has also been reworked by adding some reverb and delay and adjusting the spatiality. The mastering is slightly different from the original version.
1 Track album Grenzwellen version
Deep Sequences [Grenzwellen Version] by Sequentia Legenda
Total Time: 25:00 released January 3, 2021
Keyboards: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
Available on my Bandcamp Page
I am delighted to be able to share this moment of sharing with you on the occasion of my birthday. With, it is extracted: VOICES 55, I am happy to present you my musical perspective for 2021. I have never been so close to what I could have imagined one day being able to achieve, I am proud and happy.
My dream has been gradually coming true since the beginning of my musical adventure.
1 Track album exclusive version
VOICES 55 [EXCLUSIVE Version] by Sequentia Legenda
Total Time: 11:55 released November 26, 2020
Keyboards: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
Available on my Bandcamp Page
Here is a study version, a collector's version, a sign of Hope and Love in this period of confinement.
This track will be the basis for a collaborative title with Hélène Vogelsinger.
This composition is a current representation of my vision of the Berlin School, my language, my sensitivity.
For me, music, even more so in these difficult times, gives me freedom and joy. And it is precisely this feeling of fullness that I wish to offer my listeners.
Long live music, which for me is a vector of Hope and Love!
1 Track album study version
CIRCUMNAVIGATION [Study Version] by Sequentia Legenda
Total Time: 15:40 released April 25, 2020
Keyboards: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
Available on my Bandcamp Page
Valentins Traum Exclusive Version
A free composition in homage to my son Valentin, who has autism. Because I am happy to see my son again tonight, because Valentine's Day is not so far away, because I want to share with you all the happiness I have to live with my two sons, despite the adversity of a programmed life ordeal. This is my message of Love and Hope that I am distilling musically.
Enjoy this musical and emotional sharing. This track is free, I specify it, nevertheless if one or the other wishes to pay money then I commit myself to give the whole amount to a foundation for autism. Thank you in advance for him, for all those affected by the handicap.
From a technical point of view, this track from the album RENAISSANCE, has been revisited for this occasion. The duration is sensibly longer than the original, with the addition of choirs from the Mellotron and with a special finale. Some frequencies of the modular Moog sequencer have been reworked. A subtle reverb has been added to the percussion. The whole composition has been remixed and remastered.
I wish you a beautiful sound immersion in Valentin's dream.
1 Track album exclusive version
Valentins Traum Exclusive Version by Sequentia Legenda
Total Time: 19:50 released February 21, 2020
Keyboards: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
Available on my Bandcamp Page
SOLITUDES LUNAIRES [XMas 2018 Version] by Sequentia Legenda
The title SOLITUDES LUNAIRES has been revisited and remastered especially for this occasion. The Mellotron choirs have been added. The Minimoog is present for the final. A cymbal came to support the rhythmic impulses of the oscillators in self-oscillation. The duration is slightly longer than the original version of the double album "EXTENDED".
1 Track album exclusive version
SOLITUDES LUNAIRES [XMas 2018 Version] by Sequentia Legenda
Total Time: 26:38 released December 24, 2018
Keyboards: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
Available on my Bandcamp Page
OUT OF THE SILENCE [Exclusive Version] by Sequentia Legenda
«I am pleased to give you the opportunity to listen to the current version of the track.
You may find that several listens are necessary to get all the diversity and the subtleties of it.
I wanted the atmosphere to be mystical without being too overwhelming, where a smooth development would allow unveiling of all the different sides of Out of the Silence throughout the nine minutes of the piece. The pads are made of minimalist chords. These are backed first by a modular Moog providing a sequential base with three sonic layers, then by the introduction of slowly progressing percussive elements. Transpositions are made with +3 and +5 half-tones in the closing section. The three choir layers complement each other, while at the same time staying in the background in the overall atmosphere.
Here is in a few lines my process of the development of Out of the Silence.»
Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
Total Time: 9:09 released April 18, 2017
Keyboards: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
Available on my Bandcamp Page.
AU REVOIR [Exclusive Version] by Sequentia Legenda
«AU REVOIR is an introspection, is a journey towards the beyond,
is a musical vision, is a musical communion,
is a musical colour, is a musical thought.»
Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
1 Track album exclusive version
AU REVOIR [Exclusive Version] by Sequentia Legenda, with an autographed CD Booklet in PDF Format.
Total Time: 14:27 released June 27, 2015
Keyboards: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
Available on my Bandcamp Page
VIBRATIONS [Blood Moon Exclusive Version] by Sequentia Legenda
«Most space music is made of three components: synth pads, sequencer loops and solos (which can sometimes be too flashy and protruding). Sequentia Legenda is intelligent and sensitive enough to create his instrumental music with a perfect blend of the first two components only: pads and loops. In his spacey compositions, where light meets minimalism, and fitted to dream and meditation, there is no room for flashy solo, no room for protruding showing-off. Instead the space is filled with highly sophisticated perpetually changing pads and ever-evolving patterns of loops, creating a complex structure of sound.»
Yves Blanc (La Planète Bleue)
1 Track album exclusive version
VIBRATIONS [Blood Moon Exclusive Version] by Sequentia Legenda, with an autographed CD Booklet in PDF Format.
Total Time: 15:00 released March 13, 2015
Keyboards: Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)
Available on my Bandcamp Page
Extended Intuition Into the Unknown
Dear listeners,
Once again, I felt the pleasure of a musical and emotional Guidance that allowed me to bring this composition to light. It's like an inner movement, an invisible force that propels me out of time, that pushes me to let my Heart, my Soul, express itself, with this need to reach a universe of Truth, Freedom and Dreams.
With Extended Intuition Into the Unknown, I invite you to let yourself go towards an inspiring elsewhere, to float in an invisible Universe, to cross an interdimensional door to connect with your inner self.
As a little anecdote, I had two variations for the illustration, so I asked my young autistic son for his preference, and Valentin simply replied "this one, because there's more love".
I wish you a pleasant musical journey 🙏
Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda)