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Berlin School Blog of Sequentia Legenda
Sunday 22 December 2024

Celebrating 10 Years of Sequentia Legenda
with the Album DECEM.
Friday 27 September 2024

LIVE in EINDHOVEN capture and share these precious moments,
to extend the magic of the concert beyond the stage.
Saturday 24 August 2024

"After the magical album ALCYONE,
which took us to the Pleiades, I invite you to continue
the journey and let yourself be carried away by the galactic crystals to discover Plenitude and crystalline Light,
where all is Love and Unity."
Clavius Reticulus
Thursday 8 August 2024

I enjoyed answering Michel's questions as an enlightened listener.
Our discussions were enriched by a few personal questions that I had the pleasure of asking him.
Friday 21 June 2024

I was delighted to be able to illustrate my forthcoming
with the magnificent photos of Steven Leak.
Sunday 10 March 2024

Apart from the fact that I'm in the top ten,
it's the sharing that's most important to me.
Sharing emotion, sincerity, awareness and light.
Thank you for all your attention.
Sunday 21 january 2024

A look back at my 2021 album CELESTIAL,
with Bertrand Loreau's questions
which I had the pleasure of answering
Sunday 11 December 2022
Portrait of Sequentia Legenda – Beyond the heritage of the Berlin School

Portrait by Christophe Bargeault
originally produced for Patch Work Music
This portrait is dedicated to Sequentia Legenda who offered us just before the summer their latest opus RESONANCES. Beyond the legacy of the Berlin School genre that he has received and that he is passing on in turn, Laurent Schieber was kind enough to share with us a few moments of kindness and spirituality.
Monday 8 November 2021
“The music is so beautiful and flows quietly without
ever getting tired of it”
Extract from Sylvain Lupari's review

To immerse myself in the universe of Sequentia Legenda
I wish you a lot of enjoyment with CELESTIAL.
May your entrance into this new sound horizon be a source of freedom. May your journey through the three musical atmospheres bring you dreams, softness and serenity.
Tuesday 10 August 2021
From DNA to the Berlin School

"From DNA to the Berlin School, life is made of sequences"
Christophe Bargeault
Christophe Bargeault: "My name is Christophe and I am passionate about music, mainly electronic. Although this music does not constitute my DNA, it is nevertheless part of my daily life and I consider it as vital, as air and water can be. This passion has led me on a perpetual quest, from my first memories forty years ago, to the present day where musical networks lead me from surprise to discovery.
It is this quest that led me to meet the Patch Work Music association three years ago, and to immerse myself in the universe of Sequentia Legenda.
Sunday 4 July 2021
Three Astral Arches by Sequentia Legenda

Entrance Into New Horizon
I am very pleased to announce that the work on my next opus "CELESTIAL" is progressing in a positive way, both musically and in terms of layout, giving me pleasure and satisfaction. The result corresponds to the idea that had germinated a few months earlier in my mind, it is the reflection of what I wish to communicate emotionally and artistically.
A new experience, a new sharing, that I will have the pleasure of presenting and bringing to light on September 21, 2021, the date of the album's release.
Monday 29 March 2021
A return to ETHEREAL

Best way to escape from everyday life
Tom Schakel: "ETHEREAL is for me the most complete and exciting of a series of high class albums by Sequentia Legenda. I still listen to it very often and it is the best way to escape from everyday life. Again and again I come across subtleties that I hadn't noticed before.
While the first two tracks slowly but surely draw me away with their lightness and hypnotic drums, the third track is pure floating in space for me. "Elevation" sounds a little different, but that's what makes this album so exceptional for me.
The almost 70 minutes of playing time of ETHEREAL are a complete journey for me and easily stand up to a comparison with the Old Berlin School. 5 stars *****"
Sunday 14 February 2021
Creative inspiration

Fugitive, inaccessible, spontaneous
Sequentia Legenda: "Inspiration manifests itself without really warning, it is fleeting, inaccessible, often spontaneous and powerful. I must admit that it is a rather surprising process, even inexplicable. The triggering element, perhaps an emotion, an image, a moment of life. It is wild and indomitable. It's deep inside me, it's anchored, it's latent. It is finally my soul, my heart that asks to express itself. Inspiration will be the guide for the continuation of my work, and little by little the composition will take shape. Then begins a new story, a creation that will take shape with its unpredictable gestation. Through the creative process, it is a rediscovery of self, a perpetual rebirth. To be an artist, in my eyes, is an awareness and an acceptance to wait, to believe, to remain humble in the hope of a sign – the call of inspiration. It is a depth of spirit. A rediscovery. A path that is open to a new history. It is a renewal."
Saturday 11 April 2020
FIVE - THE STORY - Five years Berlin School

"The album "FIVE" celebrates my first five years on the Berlin School stage.
During this time I have been fortunate to be able to share my own musical vision with passion and sincerity and to live my dream. This anniversary, it is with you, that I wish to share it here."
Tuesday 24 March 2020
Music remains a vector of hope!

"Painting sound and cosmic landscapes remains one of my priorities in the face of this global health crisis.
My way to move forward in this event remains essentially the sharing of my musical passion and to offer you a little escape, a little dream.
I also wanted to thank you for your support during the Schallwelle with the 12th place for my album OVER THERE."
Sunday 26 January 2020
Retrospective of the concert in Tübingen

"Très bien! The anticipation was great, but the performance was even better than I had dared to dream. I had got goose bumps several times because of this for me so emotional music. I felt as if I had been there live at a lost, extremely well done Klaus Schulze Trancefer Tour concert in 1981. Everything was perfect. It was the concert that I would have loved to hear even then (1981). Of course it was not an attempt of a copy. It is the mood contained in Laurent's music that makes me think of 1981 works."
Till Kopper
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Sequentia Legenda five performances in 2019

The year 2019 was for me dense and rich with five stage performances. It was in Switzerland in Founex that the first concert took place, then in France in Nantes, in Germany twice in Tübingen and Solingen, to finish again in Switzerland, more precisely at the Caveau du Cœur d'Or in Chexbres.
Sunday 6 October 2019

the album in memory of the Apollo 11 mission 🌑
"Suddenly, from behind the rim of the moon, in long, slow-motion moments
of immense majesty, there emerges a sparkling blue and white jewel, a light, delicate,
sky-blue sphere laced with slowly swirling veils of white, rising gradually like a small pearl
in a thick sea of black mystery.
It takes more than a moment to fully realize this is Earth … home."
Edgar Mitchell (American astronaut, and 6th lunar walker)
Wednesday 19 June 2019
OVER THERE my sixth album

My sixth album was released on March 3, 2019.
I am delighted to share some information with you here.
"When it comes to electronic music, Laurent Schieber alias Sequentia Legenda
is one of the regulars on these pages. And for good reason, because he revives
the Berlin school in a way that convinces genre fans."
Juergen Meurer on 20 May 2019
Sunday 20 January 2019
RENAISSANCE trois titres chroniqués par Drew Fisher

Meilleurs albums de l'année 2018 :
RENAISSANCE est dans la sélection de Drew Fisher !
"Dans l'esprit magique de la Berlin School de Klaus Schulze, Laurent Schieber (Sequentia Legenda) le Maestro de Mulhouse semble faire un album par an (ou, plus exactement, tous les neuf mois) tout en augmentant en confiance, en qualité et en séduction. Alors qu'ETHEREAL, datant de 2017, était un véritable chef-d'œuvre et reste sur ma playlist de rotation fréquente - j'ai été si occupé en 2018 (depuis mai) et je n'ai pas eu assez de temps pour écouter de la nouvelle musique et encore moins des épopées de plus de 20 minutes comme celles-ci. Mais je peux dire aujourd'hui, qu'ils sont tout à fait à la hauteur des normes fixées par le travail précédent de Laurent - et par le maître lui-même, Monsieur Schulze."
Drew Fisher septembre 2018
Monday 24 December 2018
Three questions on "Solitudes Lunaires"

Thierry Moreau:
"With your title "Solitudes Lunaires" you pay tribute to Jules Verne, can you explain to us this journey in weightlessness whose substance evokes in many ways the tribute to Franck Herbert "Dune" by Klaus Schulze. Are you inviting us to the lunar introspection?"
Sequentia Legenda:
"I have a great admiration for Jules Verne and I wanted to pay tribute to him. To me, he is a dream storyteller, an astronomer, a geography teacher, an adventurer. Reading his extraordinary travels, it is a whole dreamlike universe that opens up to me and feeds my imagination with delight. It is a source of inspiration and escape. Solitudes Lunaires is a nod to "Autour de la Lune". When I was ten years old, I wanted to become a writer just like him! My favorites: "From the Earth to the Moon", "Journey to the Center of the Earth" and "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea".
Here is an excerpt from "Around the Moon": "[...]The projectile must have reached the Moon when it was full, on the 5th at midnight. Here we are on December 11, which is six days ago. However, in six times twenty-four hours, without darkness, we have time to settle comfortably. It seems to me that I see them, our brave compatriots, camped at the bottom of a valley, on the edge of a selenite stream, near the projectile half sunk by its fall in the middle of volcanic debris, Captain Nicholl beginning his levelling operations, President Barbicane cleaning up his travel notes, Michel Ardan embalming the lunar solitudes with the scent of his londrès[...]"."
Saturday 24 November 2018
Sequentia Legenda's album ETHEREAL under the magnifying glass of El Jice

Three questions about Elevation and ETHEREAL
El Jice:
"Is Elevation inspired by the NDEs?
The dark colouring evokes the first steps of the soul in the afterlife.
More precisely in the first strata of the astral journey."
Sequentia Legenda:
"It's a surprising and interesting approach to my title.
Elevation, is my representation of the cosmos, of the sidereal and astral journey, the song of the High - the universe through its sounds.
For this composition, my wish and my objective were to build a broad, large, deep sound universe. By exploring new technical means and looking for new paths this title was really an exciting experiment."
Thursday 8 November 2018
13 Questions to Sequentia Legenda while waiting for "OVER THERE" (second part)

Sequentia Legenda interviewed by Bertrand Loreau
(second part)
Bertrand Loreau:
"You claim the influence of Klaus Schulze and obviously your works, especially through their structures, recall the constructions of his pieces. Do you think, however, that your personal sensitivity is strong enough that you are not seen as a mere imitator of the Berlin artist."
Sequentia Legenda:
"I am naturally flattered and proud to be able to read everything that is said about me and my music, all the comparisons with Klaus Schulze. And how can you not be? However, I have my own personality, my own vision of Berlin School and enough sensitivity to express my emotions through my titles. I believe that if you play the music that comes from your heart and soul, listeners will perceive this music as authentic and sincere. I am simply happy to be able to share my own musical vision, to provide a part of dream, a moment of relaxation and escape."
Sunday 30 September 2018
RENAISSANCE Three tracks reviewed by Drew Fisher

Top Albums of the Year 2018 : The Masterpieces by Drew Fisher
RENAISSANCE is in the selection !
Drew Fisher : [...] "More Berlin School magic from Klaus Schulze devoté Laurent Schieber, the Mulhouse Maestro seems to be pulling together an LP per year (or, more accurately, every nine months) all the while increasing in confidence, quality, and allure. While last year's Ethereal was a veritable prog masterpiece--and remains on my frequent rotation playlist--I've been so busy this year (since May) that I've had little time to listen to much new music much less 20+ minute long epics like these. But, I can now say, these are every bit as much up to the standards set by Laurent's previous work--and by the master himself, M. Schulze." [...]
Thursday 20 September 2018
13 Questions à Sequentia Legenda en attendant "OVER THERE"
(première partie)

Bertrand Loreau : [...] "Le compositeur Sequentia Legenda fait partie de cette troisième ou quatrième génération de maîtres des synthétiseurs qui revendiquent une filiation avec le pionnier de la Berlin School. Il produit une musique qui mêle des réminiscences des périodes analogiques et numériques de l'art schulzien, en prenant le risque de systématiser les principes du compositeur de Mirage . On retrouve les séquences qui se lovent sur la face entière d'un immense vinyle, et les transpositions qui retentissent comme des coups de tonnerre pour provoquer le frisson attendu. Mais Sequentia va parfois au-delà de ce que faisait Schulze dans les années 70 comme s'il tentait de dépasser les limites que s'imposait le maître pour ne pas créer de ruptures avec son public." [...]
Friday 7 September 2018
13 Questions to Sequentia Legenda while waiting for "OVER THERE"
(first part)

Bertrand Loreau : [...] "The composer Sequentia Legenda is part of this third or fourth generation of synthesizer masters who claim a relationship with the pioneer of the Berlin school. He produces music that blends reminiscences of the analogical and digital periods of Schulzian art, taking the risk of systematizing the principles of Mirage's composer. We find the sequences that curl up on the entire face of a huge vinyl, and the transpositions that resound like thunderclaps to provoke the expected thrill. But Sequentia sometimes goes beyond what Schulze did in the 70s as if he was trying to go beyond the limits imposed by the master in order not to create ruptures with his audience." [...]
Tuesday 26 June 2018
OVER THERE 1984 – 2019

Finally, this project dates back to 1984.
I was nineteen then, three years earlier, I had discovered the music of Klaus Schulze.
I lived with my parents and it is in a room of the cellar that I had installed my home studio. Today I would like to thank them for all the attention they have given me and it is also thanks to them that I have been able to emancipate myself musically.
Saturday 2 June 2018
Sequentia Legenda invited at Brainvoyager

🎤 Brainvoyager "Electronic Fusion" #141
Jos Verboven: „Laurent, "Renaissance" is your fifth album. "Renaissance" means "rebirth". Do you wish your album "Renaissance" to be a rebirth of the Berlin School genre in particular? Do you think that the Berlin School genre of electronic music somehow had vanished?“
Sequentia Legenda: „I do not claim to say that my music is a rebirth of this musical movement, other musicians contribute to its perenniality, Kurtz Mindfields, Fryderyk Jona, Ron Boots to name but a few, not to mention the living legend Klaus Schulze. On the other hand, if I can make my contribution to the Berlin School with my music, then I would be proud and happy.
I believe that this beautiful musical movement still has beautiful days to live and that it will continue for a long time to make us dream and travel. I have my own vision: an extended vision of the Berlin School.“
Friday 11 May 2018
RENAISSANCE arrive TROIS questions à Sequentia Legenda

💿Version CD pour mon cinquième album 💿
Voilà, c’est à présent officielle,
mon prochain album sera disponible en numérique et
aussi en version CD Digipack.
Le pressage CD se fera dans une société française,
je suis me félicite de cette nouvelle.
Cet album comprendra trois titres pour une durée totale de 64 minutes
dans la plus pure tradition de la Berlin School.
Saturday 28 April 2018
RENAISSANCE is coming THREE questions to Sequentia Legenda

💿 CD version for my fifth album 💿
Now it's official, my next album will be available in digital
and also in CD Digipack version.
The CD pressing will be done in a French company, I am pleased with this news.
This album will include three tracks for a total duration of 64 minutes in the purest tradition of the Berlin School.
Wednesday 21 March 2018
AMIRA 💕 an album for my two loves: my wife Amira and the Berlin School

A musical project with the name AMIRA ☀️
Rigour, Sensitivity and Creativity are my motto 🎯
The idea of a musical project with the name AMIRA dates back to our marriage.
I wanted to please my future wife by dedicating an album to her. So, just a few days before the official ceremony, I really started the creative process of the first title "Amira Short Version".
Saturday 10 March 2018
The musical vision of Sequentia Legenda

The essentials of the Berlin School
Rigour, Sensitivity and Creativity are my motto 🎯
I have no intention of reinventing or revolutionizing the Berlin School,
I simply and without pretensions wish to bring my palette of sound, an extra colour and to be able to lay my stone to this edifice in order to contribute to an extended vision of this beautiful musical movement.
Friday 23 February 2018
👍ETHEREAL in the Top Ten at the Schallwelle Awards

The nomination of ETHEREAL
It is finally in the Top Ten of the category "Best Albums"
that my ETHEREAL album was nominated.
For this new edition, the organizers had decided to group the International and German albums in one and the same category. The competition was therefore greater than the previous year. I was told there were over 300 candidates.
I'm naturally proud to be able to appear alongside Tangerine Dream,
Johannes Schmoelling and Mike Oldfield.
Sunday 11 February 2018
🎼 The sequencer my favorite tool 📶

My vision of sequencing: loops in perpetual evolution
In addition to the search for tones, I attach great importance to the symbiosis of the different sequential loops.
I particularly like to make them live and grow all along a track to make them sometimes even "organic".
The complementarity of the sequences is also an element that is particularly close to my heart.
The sequences can be used as a structure and/or as the main and/or secondary
melodic line.
Thursday 1 February 2018
ETHEREAL: expert's point of view 🔍

A selection of four reviews
In addition to the fact that it is pleasant to read the reviewers' papers, it is important to know how my music is perceived, how it feels, what the listener feels when discovering my sound landscape.
Some analyses are very interesting and I have sometimes even found myself rediscovering my music through reading. On the other hand, others give me ideas, trails and sometimes also sources of inspiration and reflection.
Here are some excerpts of my choice that I wanted to comment on.
Saturday 20 January 2018
Fifteen Questions Interview with Sequentia Legenda

Interviewer: Tobias Fischer 16 October 2017
In terms of musical art, without any hesitation,
I would recommend the Mirage album by Klaus Schulze which was, for me, literally my musical trigger.
It’s a work that deserves to be listened to several times in order to discover all its riches.
Sunday 14 January 2018
Valentin's Traum the 3rd title of RENAISSANCE

🎬 The first preview of my next album RENAISSANCE ♫
I have the pleasure to present you an extract from my next album, "RENAISSANCE".
This title "Valentin's Traum" is the third and last track of this futur album.
Saturday 30 December 2017

1982: my meeting with the modular
In 1982, when I was 17 years old, I had just recently discovered the amazing music of Klaus Schulze through his superb album Mirage. At that time, there were many rumors about a rather strange instrument: it was the synthesizer. [...]
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